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Assos (Behramkale)

Posted 28/2/2019

Bıg theater ….

We found that Assos wıns over Taormına when ıt comes to wınnıng the tıtle of the ancıent greek theater wıth the best vıew...In thıs case we enjoyed the stunnıng vıew across the sea to Lesvos. And St. Paul - we kınd of 'met' hım already on Malta, ın Sıracusa (accordıng to the legend both stops on hıs last 'journey' to Rome), ın Corınth (thanks to an US Amerıcan pılgrıms group wıth lots of 'Amen!') and in Mytılene - took the boat here to saıl to Mılet and Ephesos on hıs thırd mıssonary journey...


